Proposed Rules of the
2025 Iredell County North Carolina
Republican Party Precinct and County Conventions
Statement of Purpose
Rule 1
It is the purpose of these rules to provide for a fair and open convention in a manner that facilitates the business of the convention, respects the rights of the majority and minority, and encourages full participation by all Republicans. Prior to the adoption of the rules, copies shall be made available to the Delegates.
Convention Officers
Rule 2
(A) The County Chair shall appoint Officers of the Convention--the Convention Chair, Secretary, and Sergeant-at-Arms.
(B) The Convention Chair shall appoint a Parliamentarian and any additional Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms as necessary.
Rule 3
The Convention committees shall be the Committees on Credentials, Rules, Resolutions, Tellers, Nominating, and Plan of Organization.
Rule 4
(A) Convention registration shall be conducted 7-9 AM, Saturday, March 15, 2025 at the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room 200 South Center Street Statesville, NC 28677.
(B) All Delegates and Alternates must be in line by 9 AM at the convention registration desk to sign-in. Delegates in absentia must have contacted Gary Robinson previous to 5 PM on 3/14/2025 at including their request and the reason for absence. Credentialing for In Absentia will be done at the end of the convention.
call to order
Rule 5
The Iredell County North Carolina Republican Party Precinct and County Conventions shall be held starting at 9 AM with the Precinct Convention with the County Convention to follow immediately afterwards.
Rule 6
(A)A quorum for all business transactions shall be a majority of the accredited and registered Delegates as certified by the Committee on Credentials and present in the convention hall.
(B) Only certified Delegates shall be allowed to vote. Delegates must remain in their seats during business and while a speaker has the floor. In order to vote on any issue before the convention, a delegate must be seated in the reserved section at the time a vote is taken.
Disclosure and Closure
Rule 7
(A)No motion shall be in order unless each maker and seconder thereof states their name and precinct.
(B) No Delegate shall speak in Convention longer than two minutes at any one time, nor more than once on any motion open for discussion, except for the maker of a motion, who shall be allowed to speak a second time on his motion after all other delegates recognized by the Convention Chair have done so.
(C) Debate on any substantive issue shall consist of a maximum of two rounds of debate. Each round shall be a maximum of five minutes divided between speakers for and against.
(D) Debate on any procedural issue shall consist of a maximum of two rounds of debate. The round shall be a maximum of two minutes.
Rule 8
(A) An Alternate shall be allowed to vote only upon being certified as a Delegate by the Committee on Credentials.
(B) Voting on motions shall be by voice vote or by the standing vote of delegates.
(C) Voting for officers shall be by secret ballot unless there is a motion, made and approved, to accept a nominee by acclamation.
(D) There shall be no proxy voting.
(E) No person shall be seated as a Delegate or Alternate unless duly elected a Delegate or Alternate at their respective precinct meeting.
(F) A Delegate casting a vote must be on the floor of the Convention at the time such vote is cast and recorded.
(G) A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for the election of Officers of the Iredell County Republican Party. In the event that a majority is not received by the nominee receiving the highest number of votes, subsequent balloting shall be conducted; prior to each such succeeding vote, the nominees with the fewest votes shall not be further considered for election.
Rule 11
(A) Rule applies only in odd numbered years when the Officers of the Iredell County Republican Party are elected and under those circumstances when an even numbered year election is required to fill an officer vacancy.
(1) Nominations for Officers of the Iredell County Republican Party will be made by Convention Delegates upon recognition by the Convention Chair. Nominations for and election of County Chair will be followed by nominations for and election of the other Officers. Each person nominating a candidate will be allocated a total of two minutes for their nominating speech.
(2) Up to three Delegates may second a nomination from the floor of the Convention upon recognition from the Convention Chair for the purpose of stating their name and precinct, and the name and office of the nominee being seconded. No seconding speeches will be allowed.
(3) Before balloting for election to an office, each candidate shall be allowed five (5) minutes
to address the convention. The order of the speeches to address the convention shall be by drawing.
convention guests
Rule 12
All guests must remain seated in the section designated for guests.
resolutions from the floor
Rule 13
No proposed resolution from the Convention floor shall be in order unless it shall first be reduced to writing and distributed to Delegates and Alternates immediately after approval of the agenda and rules of the convention and approval of the Chairman of the resolutions committee as to relevance. A minimum of one-hundred (100) copies of any such proposed resolution must be provided by the maker of the resolution and distributed to Delegates and Alternates as required by this Rule in order to be considered by the Convention. All Resolutions must be passed by a 2/3 majority.
Parliamentary Authority
Rule 14
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, most current edition, shall govern this Convention when applicable and when not inconsistent with these rules and the State Plan of Organization.
Adoption and Suspension of Rules
Rule 15
These rules shall be adopted upon a majority vote of the Delegates and Alternates sitting as Delegates at the Convention and may be suspended during the Convention by a two-thirds vote, except that the rules contained herein which are drawn from or implement provisions of the State Plan of Organization may not be suspended.
Precinct Meetings
County Convention
Call to Order
Invocation: Brian Summers
Pledge of Allegiance: Karen Carty
Recognition of Veterans: Anita Kurn
Recognition of Elected Officials: Anita Kurn
Recognition of Requested Speakers: Linda Petrou
Report of the Credentials Committee: Maureen Purcell Chair, Karen Carty, June Reeves, Marvelous Outland
Seating of the Delegates to the Convention and election of delegates
Adoption of the Rules.
Sergeant at Arms: Mark Cash
Adoption of the Agenda
Election of Area Captains to the Executive Committee
Adoption of the Plan of Organization
Treasurer's Report
Election of Delegates and Alternates to District and State Conventions
Nominating committee report: Brian Summers, Terry Gentle, Maureen Purcell, Rob Young, Karen Carty, Bobbie Youngblood and Mark Cash
Tellers: Ron Wyatt, Michael Kubineic, Tom Snyder
Election of County Officers: Chairman, First Vice Chairman, Vice Chair of Precinct Activation, Treasurer and Secretary
Election of 5(five) at large members of the Executive Committee
Amendment to the Plan of Organization: Maureen Purcell
Resolutions: Brian Summers and Mark Cash
Credentialling In Absentia
Other business which may be properly brought before the Convention
Closing Remarks and Announcements